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Your child is growing and the best thing is that we can use this natural process to correct the development of their jaw bones and allow the teeth to occupy a functional and aesthetic position.

Dentofacial orthopaedics will always be the best treatment, as we will act in a physiological way on the oral and facial development and growth of children and adolescents.

Not all children need orthopaedics, but they all need a check-up at the age of 6 with the orthodontist, in which Dr. Eugenia Delgado will explain how their development is going, will check their bite, breathing, swallowing and other habits and will establish the best time for treatment if necessary; the appliances they will need and the treatment time. 


The most important thing is that you know the diagnosis and clarify all the doubts that may arise, we know that when it comes to your young children there may be many.

"For us you are not just one more, you are unique".


This is a very common doubt among parents and to find out it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis of your child (check-up, habit control, x-rays and study) as the ideal age to start a braces treatment varies according to each child and depends on the problem we need to treat, sometimes they are for immediate treatment.

Here are some tips you can follow:

  • If you notice that he has trouble breathing through his nose and most of the time breathes through his mouth or snores at night. 

  • If you see in profile that their upper and lower teeth are too far apart.

  • If a tooth has fallen out and you notice that there is not enough space for the new tooth or it has not come in for a long time.

  • If they have had a prolonged bad habit such as thumb sucking, use of a dummy after the age of 2, atypical swallowing or difficulty speaking. 

  • If there are supernumerary teeth (extra teeth) or agenesis (missing teeth), this factor is often genetic. 

  • If the milk teeth or permanent teeth are crowded (crooked).

  • Crossbite.

  • Premature loss of milk teeth.

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